Acts 15
1, 5 (Romans 2:24-29; Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 2:14-16; Colossians 2:14-17; Titus 1:9-11). Circumcision of No Value After the Cross—[Titus 1:9-11, 13, 14 quoted.] There were those in Paul’s day who were constantly dwelling upon circumcision, and they could bring plenty of proof from the Bible to show its obligation on the Jews; but this teaching was of no consequence at this time; for Christ had died upon Calvary’s cross, and circumcision in the flesh could not be of any further value. 6BC 1061.5
The typical service and the ceremonies connected with it were abolished at the cross. The great antitypical Lamb of God had become an offering for guilty man, and the shadow ceased in the substance. Paul was seeking to bring the minds of men to the great truth for the time; but these who claimed to be followers of Jesus were wholly absorbed in teaching the tradition of the Jews, and the obligation of circumcision (The Review and Herald, May 29, 1888). 6BC 1061.6
4-29. See EGW comment on Galatians 2:1-10. 6BC 1061.7
11 (Galatians 3:8; 1 Corinthians 10:4). Only One Gospel—There is no such contrast as is often claimed to exist between the Old and the New Testament, the law of God and the gospel of Christ, the requirements of the Jewish and those of the Christian dispensation. Every soul saved in the former dispensation was saved by Christ as verily as we are saved by Him today. Patriarchs and prophets were Christians. The gospel promise was given to the first pair in Eden, when they had by transgression separated themselves from God. The gospel was preached to Abraham. The Hebrews all drank of that spiritual Rock, which was Christ (The Signs of the Times, September 14, 1882). 6BC 1061.8
(Exodus 13:21, 22; 1 Corinthians 10:1-4; 1 Timothy 2:5.) Christ’s Blood Avails for Us as for Israel—Shrouded in the pillar of cloud, the world’s Redeemer held communion with Israel. Let us not say, then, that they had not Christ. When the people thirsted in the wilderness, and gave themselves up to murmuring and complaint, Christ was to them what He is to us—a Saviour full of tender compassion, the Mediator between them and God. After we have done our part to cleanse the soul temple from the defilement of sin, Christ’s blood avails for us, as it did for ancient Israel (The Youth’s Instructor, July 18, 1901). 6BC 1061.9
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