Monday, June 27, 2022

Eastern Africa’s drought the worst in recent history? And are worse yet to come?

Eastern Africa’s drought the worst in recent history? And are worse yet to come?

Published: June 26, 2022

 David Nash, University of Brighton
Large areas of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya are currently in the grip of a severe drought. An estimated 16.7 million people face acute food insecurity. That’s more than the combined populations of Austria and Switzerland.

Four consecutive rainy seasons have now failed since late 2020, a climatic event not seen in at least 40 years. This meteorological drought has resulted in a loss of soil moisture, caused waterways to dry up, and led to the death of millions of livestock.

The Horn of Africa experiences two rainy seasons per year. The timing varies across the region, but rains broadly fall from March to May (the “long rains”) and from September to December. The delayed start and then failure of the March to May rains this year has been felt particularly in equatorial parts of the region, where the long rains contribute 70% of the annual total.

The situation is unlikely to improve in the short term. Forecasts suggest that the September to December rainy season could also fail. This would set the stage for an unprecedented five-season drought.

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The ongoing humanitarian crisis caused by the drought raises serious questions about future food and water security in the Horn of Africa. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report projects that global warming will negatively affect food systems in the region by shortening growing seasons and increasing water stress.

The crisis also raises the questions: is the current drought the worst in recent history and might future droughts be even worse?

Exploring past data

I’m a physical geographer who uses descriptions of weather conditions within historical documents, combined with meteorological data, to explore how rainfall has varied in the past across various regions of Africa – a discipline known as historical climatology. To understand the relative severity of the current drought, we need to examine both historical records and data.

For the purposes of this article, I am focusing on the last 200 years. This time-span includes what is called the period of instrumental record – the period during which we have used standardised instruments (called rain gauges) to measure rainfall. The earliest systematic rainfall data collection in Africa began in the 1830s for coastal Algeria and southwest South Africa. In eastern Africa, however, continuous runs of data are only available from the 1870s onwards.

Fortunately, we can fill in gaps for years and areas where there are no measured rainfall data using historical information sources. The most important of these are oral histories and collections of documents written mainly by settlers, explorers, missionaries and colonial governments that describe past climate and conditions related to climate.

There are several droughts that stand out.

According to recent research, 2016 was the driest single year of the last four decades – Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya received 40% less rainfall between August and October than the long-term average. The 2016 drought followed a particularly strong El Niño event, when patterns of warmer and cooler water in the Pacific Ocean shifted, with knock on effects for the Indian Ocean and eastern African rainfall.

The drought from 1983 to 1986 – which triggered global humanitarian efforts such as the music fundraising initiative Live Aid – was also very severe. Like the current drought, the event was prolonged and therefore had a cumulative effect. Going back further, rainfall series spanning the full instrumental period suggest that the mid-1950s was almost as dry as 2016 in Ethiopia and Somalia.

It is possible that even more severe droughts occurred during the pre-instrumental period. It isn’t easy to compare the magnitude of the rainfall deficit during modern droughts with earlier periods when rainfall wasn’t measured. However, a major, continent-wide historical climate study shows that eastern Africa experienced droughts –  at least as bad as those in recent decades – throughout the 1820s and 1830s, during the 1880s and around 1900.

The 1820s-1830s drought was probably the worst of the last 200 years. Lake levels fell in central Kenya (with Lake Baringo drying up completely), and reports from European travellers describe prolonged famine, possibly lasting as long as 20 years, affecting areas including Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

A more recent historical climate study provides further detail for Kenya, including vivid descriptions of the multi-year, drought-driven, famine around 1900. This is locally referred to as the “lwaya” (crocodile) famine, as people had to hunt crocodiles for food. By 1902, colonial authorities had to distribute Indian rice, brought in via the under-construction railway linking the coast to Lake Victoria, as famine relief.

Taking this information as whole, the current drought in eastern Africa is clearly unprecedented in recent decades. This is due mainly to the fact that below-average rainfall has fallen in four consecutive seasons. The worst recent food security crises in the region have been associated with multi-season dry spells.

However, the droughts of the 1820s and 1830s, before the advent of global humanitarian aid, were even more protracted and therefore probably more severe in terms of cumulative human impacts.

The future

In addition to having human impacts – recorded in the types of historical documents described earlier – droughts also impact upon natural vegetation and landscapes. These impacts leave a legacy in pollen and sedimentary records that can be studied by botanists and geologists to understand past climate variability.

Data from marine sediments in the Gulf of Aden spanning the past 2,000 years, for example, indicate a close association between globally warm conditions and drying in the eastern Horn of Africa. If this association holds into the future, global warming will be met with drying and we may anticipate worse droughts.

Climate change is already affecting rainfall levels in the Horn of Africa. Human-induced warming has raised the temperature of the western Pacific Ocean, leading to concerning rainfall deficits in eastern Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia. This may be the reason why droughts in back-to-back seasons are becoming more common in the region.

As with any semi-arid region, droughts are an integral part of the climate of eastern Africa and will continue to be so into the future. The positive news is that groups of scientists such as the Famine Early Warning Systems Network can now provide early warning of acute food insecurity. Drought in eastern Africa is often linked to the build-up of La Niña conditions in the Pacific Ocean. Forecasting is such that governments and aid agencies can now put emergency provisions in place well in advance of drought onset.

Measures to improve the resilience of eastern African communities to climate shock and stresses meant that the overall impact of the 2016 drought was much lower than the mid-1980s and 1973 droughts. As resilience continues to improve, it should be possible to move from crisis management to risk management of droughts in the Horn of Africa.

Drought Horn of Africa FamineLivestockSomalia
Ethiopia Rainfall KenyaHumanitarian aid

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Viewpoint: Somalia’s 2022 Election: Implications for the HoA Region

Viewpoint: Somalia’s 2022 Election: Implications for the HoA Region
JUNE 25, 2022

On 23 May, President Hassan Sheikh Mohmoud has officially assumed office as the 10th President of the Federal Republic of Somalia following an official handover ceremony held at Villa Somalia.

By Faisal Roble @faisalroble19

Addis Abeba – If the late professor Mesfin Woldemarian penned “Somalia: The Problem child of Africa” to defend Derg policies in 1977, it is fitting for a rejoinder to write “Somalia: The Emerging Light of Electoral Democracy.” After the election of Hassan Sheikh Mohmoud, many people in the region saw a glimmer of hope in Somalia’s electoral system. Many, including Ethiopians, took their appreciations of said change to social media and to the airwaves. 

This article will focus on the probable implications of the election of Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud for the Horn of Africa region. First, I will make a general overview of the Horn of Africa condition, followed by the electoral politics that brought Hassan Sheikh to office. I will conclude with some tangible and intangible implications it could have for the region.

 The Horn: A Turbulent Region

The Horn of Africa region (the region) means different things to different people. Somalia is the lone Horn of Africa country to some. To others, the region includes Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Sudan and South Sudan, Kenya and Uganda. For the purpose of this article, however, I will limit my discussion to Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, precisely because of the tripartite alliance (the alliance) these three countries forged under Prime Minister Abiy, former President Mohamed Farmajo, and Eritrea’s Isaias Afwerki . The alliance and its war in Tigray has worsened an already difficult condition characterized by a man-made famine.  

Wars have been perennial in the region. For example, Ethiopia invaded Somalia  in 1964; again in 1977, the two countries fought another bloody war. In 2006, Ethiopia invaded Somalia under the  rubric of “war on terror.”  Up in the north, Ethiopia and Eritrea also have waged one of the most devastating wars in Sub-saharan Africa that prompted one commentator to call the conflict “a war over a comb.” Tigray and Eritrea also fought their own fratricidal wars. 

For a moment Prime Minister Abiy seemed to have broken the Iron Curtain of Eritrea. However, the purported joint action for peace and stability turned into a war plan against Tigray first and Oromia next

Many thought Abiy Ahmed Ali’s ascendance to power in Ethiopia in 2018 will bring a wind of change towards a democratic transition and regional stability. In the months of June to October 2018, Prime Minister Abiy shuttled between these three countries culminating in the issuance of a highly publicized communique on November 10, 2018. In it the vision for the HOA integration comprising Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea was formalized. For a moment Prime Minister Abiy seemed to have broken the Iron Curtain of Eritrea. However, the purported joint action for peace and stability turned into a war plan against Tigray first and Oromia next.

To President Isaias Afwerki, the war against Tigray, for whom he holds grudges, represented a means to get even with the TPLF leadership. For Abiy, the alliance was an opportunity to vanquish TPLF and consolidate power. Besides Tigray, an equally intense war is being waged in the Oromia region. Given the Oromia region’s location, it is feasible that it could easily spill over to Kenya and Somalia with far more serious implications. Left unchecked, wars in Tigray and Oromia regions could  be a recipe for a potential disintegration of Ethiopia.

Why did Prime Minister Abiy invite smaller neighboring countries to fight his civil war remains a mystery to many. What is not a mystery is that this war eroded Ethiopia’s already weak cohesion. Imagine Nigeria inviting Cameron, Chad, and Benin to fight Igbo, or Rwanda inviting Congo, Kenya, and Uganda against the Hutu community. The damage to the national psyche and the unity of Ethiopia is so damaged that holding this country together may require a miracle. 

Somalia: A Democratic Outlier

On May 15, 2022, the Somali parliament elected Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud by a 214 against 110 votes. Often credited as  the first African democratic country, power in Somalia changed hands peacefully as far back as the early 1960s. Electoral politics has roots in Somalia making the current election more possible despite its fragile state. So far with the exception of the late Mohamed Siyyad Barre, who usurped power by a military coup in 1969, nine presidents have taken/lost office through the electoral process. Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud became the 10th and the only president elected twice in Somali history since independence in 1960.  

Following a comprehensive national reconciliation at the Arta village (Djibouti) in 2000, a road map and a draft federal constitution (2012) made peaceful power transfer possible in post conflict Somalia. Hassan Sheik promises to continue reconciliation even after 20 years of preliminary work on this issue. Since the Arta reconciliation convention in 2000, six elections with often surprising results – replacing the incumbent – took place. 

Despite intense campaigning and last minute horse trading prior to Election Day, a new political culture emerged in Somalia; every four years, friends and families gather together to watch as the voting and subsequent counting of votes are televised by the National Somali TV. Once the final results are tallied, the loser congratulates the victor; in a unison voice, they raise their clenched fists to promise to the nation and the world to collectively work for Somalia. Within weeks, the new president moves into Villa Somalia. This is something even the last US presidential election could not achieve. In the case of this last election, on May 23, 2022, only a week after the election took place, a peaceful power transfer was completed!

Unlike his predecessor, Hassan Sheikh declared that he will ensure stability by fostering a “Somalia that is at peace with itself and lives peacefully with its neighbors.” This is of course a daunting task in the  Horn of Africa which is plagued by climate change, famine  and war? As this piece goes to print, Hassan Sheikh taps on and appoints a technocrat, Hamze Abdi Barre, as his premier to tackle real political and economic challenges that haunted Somalia, a failed state that is slowly but certainly recovering.

Somalia: Implications for the Horn

Can Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud, a 68 year-old man, be a peacemaker in the region? So far, leaders from Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopian, Egypt, South Sudan, Uganda, and Turkey attended his inauguration party. The Tigray administration, the Ogaden Liberation Front, and the Oromo Liberation Front, as well as the presidents of the Somali and Oromo regions sent their respective congratulatory messages. Missing in these inter-regional gestures is the president of the region’s Iron Curtain, Isaias Afwerki. It is plausible to see Somalia’s leadership de-emphasize the culture of war and advise to move towards a more peaceful region.  

If and when Ethiopia puts its house in order, however, perhaps a limited but meaningful discussion of economic cooperation can start.

Somalia has enough burden of its own that would make peace an indispensable domestic and regional policy. As such, President Hassan Sheikh is likely to end the tripartite alliance.  At the conclusion of his coronation at Villa Somalia on May 23, 2022, Hassan Sheikh ordered 5000 Somali troops trained in Eritrea return home. Whether that marks the beginning of the end of the tripartite alliance remains to be seen.  

Abiy’s premature pronouncement of integration between Somalia and Ethiopia will be placed on the back burner, if not dead. Standing on the steps of Villa Somalia with Farmajo, Abiy Ahmed declared in June 2018 the potential unification of the two countries. That was certainly a premature clarion call. If and when Ethiopia puts its house in order, however, perhaps a limited but meaningful discussion of economic cooperation can start. Somalis and Oromo could particularly benefit from a more realistic regional economic cooperation. That, however, depends on how much peace is in the region. 

 An intangible implication is whether Somalia’s televised and relatively transparent elections would make Ethiopians more resolved to pursue change through a peaceful means. It is too early to make a definitive assessment of whether this would lead to an Arab Spring version of the Horn of Africa region. 

Somalia has enough burden of its own that would make peace an indispensable domestic and regional policy. As such, President Hassan Sheikh is likely to end the tripartite alliance

What would come out of the thousands of Ethiopians and Eritreans who  have noticed and taken their appreciation to the airwaves regarding Somalia’s peaceful power transfer and its electoral exercise?  Somalia’s recovery and electoral process is a testimony to the adage that “politics is the art of the possible.” It is therefore plausible to argue that democratization is possible in the Horn of Africa. The question is whether Somalia’s electoral experience will reverberate in the rest of the region. More importantly, will it have positive impacts on the youth, activists, and political groups all of whom long for a meaningful change in the Horn of Africa region?

 Concluding Remarks

During his victory speech as well as in past speeches, the new president considers taking Somalia out of its neighbors’ business. As he put it, he wants Somalia to “live in peace with itself and with its neighbors.” The implications of this could mean that Somalia will not be part of the war inside Ethiopia. In the horizon are the following implications the Somalia election may have:

Hassan Sheikh has already decided to pull out Somali soldiers from Eritrea and nullify any future collaboration with Eritrea until further evaluation. He will also investigate if any Somali soldier took part in the Tigray war.He will immediately pull out Somalia from the Tripartite alliance and instead strengthen Somalia’s role in IGAD. Djibouti and Somalia’s relationship will be rekindled while that with Eritrea will be most likely downgraded.  Somalia will recommit itself to IGAD in lieu of the current exclusive tripartite pact crafted in 2020 leading to the war in Tigray.Regional and bilateral economic cooperation with a democratic lens will be encouraged as. 
Editor’s Note: Faisal Roble is Principal City Planner and CEO for Racial Justice & Equity for the Planning Department, Los Angeles City. This article is first published on the June 2022 Edition of Addis Standard, Horn of Africa Column.

Friday, June 10, 2022

U.Sn Itoophiyaa keessatti nagaa dallaaluu dandeessi

U.S.n Itoophiyaa keessatti nagaa dallaaluu dandeessi?

 Ergamaa addaa haaraa kanaaf jalqabaa Ministirri Dhimma Alaa U.S. Antony Blinken torban darbe ergamaa Addaa haaraa Gaanfa Afrikaatti Ambaasaaddar Deeviid aangoo gadhiisaa jiran bakka bu’uuf muudamuu isaanii beeksisaniiru
 Saatarfiild jedhamuun beekama. Saatarfiild ergamaa addaa jalqabaa Ambaasaaddar Jeefrii Feltmaan bakka bu'ee ture. Feltman ji’a sagaliif ture; Satterfield, ji'a afur qofa.

 Ergamaan addaa haaraa kan ta’an Ambaasaaddar Maayikeel Haamar bara 2018 irraa eegalee siyaasa Afrikaa Rippabiliika Dimookiraatawaa Koongoo irratti ilkaan isaanii muranii, gamaaggama wal-makaa ta’uun isaanii ni yaadatama. Ifatti dubbachuun isaa inni tokko tokko akka qabeenya dippilomaasii tokkootti, kaan ammoo – keessumaa elite siyaasaa Koongoo kanneen iftoomina isaa fudhachuuf jiran – akka itti gaafatamummaatti ilaalama. Hammer jechoota mince gochuun hin beekamu, waggoota dheeraaf dippilomaasii ummataa keessatti tajaajiluu fi miidiyaa irratti beekumsa qabaachuudhaan maqaa gaarii qabaatus.

 Akka barreeffamni barruu Emirati, The National News jedhamu irratti ba’etti, warri Hammer dura turan lamaan isaanii tattaaffii isaanii Ministeerri Dhimma Alaa maayikiroo bulchuu isaatiin mufatan – dhugaa dubbachuuf, aangoo argachuu fi latitude akka bira darbuuf kennameef osoo hin taane dubbi himaa imaammata Ministeera Dhimma Alaa taasiseera kan birokraasii ta’e
 danqaawwan Foggy Bottom.

 Hammer amma ergamaa addaa sadaffaa ta'ee siyaasa Horn keessatti akka relative novice ta'ee hojii kana fudhatedha. Akkuma Feltman fi Satterfield, Hammer naannoo waliin walbaruu dhabuun isaa miidhaa uumamaan qabu keessa isa galcha. Xiinxala hubannoo qabu gahee ergamtoota addaa imaammata alaa U.S. keessatti qaban irratti, dippilomaatii olaanaa yeroo dheeraa Prinsiston Lyman
 qeeqa ejjennoo ergamaa addaa irratti dhihaate keessaa tokko “namoota alaa haala jiru irratti beekumsa xiqqoo qaban, kanneen dhiibbaa bal’aa inni qabu irratti miira gahaa hin qabne beeksisuu” jechuun ibseera.

 Dhugumatti, muuxannoon Feltman fi Satterfield harka dheeraa Ministeera Dhimma Alaa – waan waraanni U.S, Pentagon fagoo irraa gidduu seenuu isaa eeruun, “the 8000-mile-long screwdriver” jedhee waamu – garuu lakkoofsa kan kutaalee socho’an, marsaa walxaxiinsaa fi dhangala’aa ta’aniin olka’e
 kan qooda fudhattoota siyaasaa fi gamtaa isaanii, akkasumas sodaachisaa ta’uu qaba.
 Wanti tattaaffii ergamaa addaa haaraa kanaa kan warra isa dura turan caalaa bu’a qabeessa taasisuu danda’u, seeneffama ofiisaa Ministeerri Dhimma Alaa jajjabeesse bira darbee hubannoo haala jiru irratti qabu bal’isuu ta’uu danda’a. Ministeerri Dhimma Alaa
 mala hin hojjenne keessatti liqimfamee jira – “both-sides-ism” isaa irraa kaasee hanga waa’ee hoggansa siyaasaa naannichaa darbee darbee nama ajaa’ibsiisuutti. Jecha biraatiin, Hammer yaada siyaasaa tokko tokko kan ofiisaa Washington, DC jalaa miliqe horachuu danda'aa.? Hubannoo waldhabdee irratti qabnu irra deebiin bocuu fi adeemsa sana fuulduratti tarkaanfachiisuuf gargaaruu danda’an ibsa dhugaa tokko tokko kunooti. Primer kun karaa kamiinuu gadi fagoo miti, garuu yaadonni isaa ijoo hanga ammaatti tuffatamaniiru.
1. Akka seera addunyaatti gargaarsa namoomaaf haalduree hin jiru. Ta’us yaadonni dhukaasa dhaabuu fi diinummaa xumuruuf dhihaatan namoota beela’an fuulduratti nyaata fannisuu irratti hundaa’uun hoggansa isaanii kaayyoo siyaasaaf kaka’umsa ta’ee ture. MM Itoophiyaa Abiy Ahimad beela akka meeshaa waraanaatti fayyadamaa jiru, kunis yakka waraanaati. Gargaarsi namoomaa nyaata bira darbee tajaajila mootummaa kan akka ibsaa fi bishaanii deebisanii dhaabuu, hojii baankii deebi’ee jalqabuu, tajaajila qunnamtii deebi’ee banamuu akka dabalatus dhugaadha.

 2. MM Dr. Abiyyi Ahimad nama dubbii isaa ta'uu isaa hin agarsiifne. Bu’a qabeessummaan dippilomaasii U.S. dhugaa fi amanamummaa gaarii hoggansa naannichaa irratti amantii qabaachuudhaan walxaxaa ta’a. Abiyyi Ahimad yeroo yerootti soba gaabbii hin qabne ollaa isaa gara kaabaa jiru agarsiisa ajaa’ibsiisaa kan ofitti amanamummaa, ija jabinaafi of tuulummaatiin walsimsiiseera. Argamuu isaaf beekamtii kennuu diduu irraa
 kan loltoota Eertiraa jalqaba waraanaa irratti gargaarsa namoomaaf Tigraay dhaqqabuuf danqaan malee dhaqqabna jechuun MM kijibsiiseera.

 3. Dhangala’uu fi gamtaan jijjiiramaa Itoophiyaas ta’e naannoo bal’aa irra deebiin safaruu hojii guyyaa guyyaa akka ta’u taasisa. Kanuma waliin mootummaan U.S. qubsuma siyaasaa gidduu seenuuf yaaluun tapha xumuraa barbaadamu irratti mirkanaa’aa hin taane fakkaata. Ergamaan addaa haaraan kun kaayyoo ifa ta’e nagaa gidduu seenuu fi furmaata siyaasaa qabachuun seenuu qaba. Kana jechuun furmaanni dirqama waan U.S. barbaaddu fakkaata jechuu miti; sun hanga qooda fudhattoota siyaasaa Itoophiyaa keessa jiranitti ta'a. Garuu U.S.n adeemsa kana haala mijeessuuf gargaaru roadmap qopheessuu qabdi.

 4. Adeemsa kana keessatti preezdaantiin Eertiraa akka nama balleessutti ni hojjeta. U.S.n Eertiraadhaaf onnachiiftuu Isaayaas Afeworqii Raashiyaa fi hiriyyoota isaa haaraa Baha Giddu Galeessaa jiran irraa ari’u tokkollee dhiyeessuu hin dandeessu. Waggoota 25 oliif nageenya uummata Eertiraa wareegamee aangoo qabatee Itoophiyaa keessa weedii oofaa jira. Hanga Isaayaan aangootti maxxantutti naannicha keessatti gonkumaa nagaan hin jiraatu. Waraanni Tigraay keessatti geggeeffamaa jiru dhumarratti Asmaraatti xumurama.

 5. Gama biraatiin waraanni Tigraay keessatti gaggeeffamaa jiru qofaa miti kan Itoophiyaa keessatti uumamu miti. Oromiyaa keessatti waraanni mootummaa federaalaa fi mormitoota Abiy gidduutti adeemsifamaa jiru kan wal bira qabamee yoo ilaalamu xiyyeeffannoo idil addunyaa xiqqaa argatu jira. Waraanni kun rakkoolee Itoophiyaa biroof furmaata siyaasaa gosa kamiifuu dhiibbaa gadi fagoo kan qabu waan ta’eef adeemsa biyyoolessaa siyaasaa hunda hirmaachisuun furmaata argachuu qaba

 6. Seenaan Wayyaanee marsee jiru dhugaa har’aa calaqqisiisuu qaba. Itoophiyaa bulchuu hin barbaadan. Isaan komunistoota miti. Isaan shororkeessitoota miti. Yaadni bu’uuraa kun yeroo baay’ee haasaa keessatti ni badu. Humnoota dhiiga hin barbaachifne kana xumuruuf ykn dheeressuuf – ykn daangaa Itoophiyaatiin alatti babal’isuuf illee hojjetaa jiran hunda hubachuun rakkisaadha. Hoggansi siyaasaa naannoo gaanfa Afrikaa jijjiirama guddaa qabu kana – Abiyyi Ahimadiifi Isaayyaas Afeworqii – yaada siyaasaa maraatummaa xumuruuf hin qaban. Kanaafidha jiddu-galummaan alaa, dippilomaatota dhugaa lafaa naannichaa beekaniitiin durfamu, nagaa dallaaluuf gargaaruu fi Itiyoophiyaa baasuuf furmaata siyaasaa haala mijeessuudhaaf barbaachisaa ta’e
 maraatummaa kanaa. Ambaasaaddar Hammer hojii qormaata ajaa'ibaa kana yeroo fudhatu milkaa'ina hawwina.

 Garee Keebilii Itoophiyaatiin

ኦነግ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ምኑ ነው?
ጸሐፊ: አፈንዲ ሙተቂ
ከትናንት ወዲያ ከኦሮሞ ድርጅቶች አካባቢ ባንዲራን አስመልክቶ የተጻፈ አንድ ደብዳቤ በኢንተርኔት ላይ መጠነኛ ግርግር ማስነሳቱ ይታወሳል። የኦሮሞዎችን በጎ የማይመኙ የሸይጣን ቁራጮች ያ ግርግር ተስፋፍቶ እርስ በእርስ የምንባላ መስሎአቸው እንደ ጥንብ አንሳ ሬሳችንን ዘነጣጥለው ሊበሉ አስፍስፈው ሲጠብቁ ነበር። ይሁንና ከህዝባችን የወረስነውን የMangudummaa እና የDubbii Qabbaneessuu ስልቶች ተጠቅመን ልዩነታችንን በቀላሉ ፈትተናል። 
እነዚህ ከይሲዎች በተለይ "ኦነግ" የሚለው ስም ሲነሳ እንደ እግር እሳት ያሳምማቸዋል። ይህንን አንጋፋ ድርጅታችንን ስም ለማጥፋት የማያደርጉት ጥረት የለም። ይሁን እንጂ ኦነግን ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል ማፋታት ከንቱ ድካም ነው። 

በእርግጥ እንላችኋለን። የኦሮሞ ድርጅቶች ሁሉ ለህዝባቸው ነፃነት፣ አንድነት፣ ህልውና እና ክብር ያደረጉት ትግል ሲመዘን የአንበሳውን ድርሻ የሚወስደው የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ነው። ይህም ከመሠረታዊ ነገር ነው የሚጀምረው።

# ጨቋኝ ስርዓቶች የኦሮሞ ህዝብን ማንነት ለማጥፋት ዘማቻ የጀመሩት ህዝቡ የሚጠራበትን ትክክለኛ ስም በመቀየር ነበር። ገዥዎች "ኦሮሞ" የሚለውን ስም አጥፍተው አፀያፊ ፍቺዎች የሰጡትን ስም በግዴታ በህዝቡ ላይ ጭነው ነበር። ይህንን ሆን ተብሎ የኦሮሞ ህዝብን ለማዋረድ የተደረገውን ሴራ ተዋግቶ ህዝቡ በዓለም ዙሪያ "ኦሮሞ" በተሰኘው ትክክለኛ ስሙ ብቻ እንዲታወቅ ያደረገው የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ነው።

# በታሪክ ሂደት ተበታትነው ወደ መረሳሳት ደረጃ ደርሰው የነበሩትን የምስራቅ፣ የምዕራብ፣ የሰሜንና የደቡብ ኦሮሞዎችን ሙሉእ በሆነ ሁኔታ አንድ ላይ ያሰባሰበው ድርጅት ኦነግ ነው። አሁን ያለው የኦሮሞ ህዝብ አንድነት በአብዛኛው የኦነግ የስራ ውጤት ነው።

# የኦሮሞ ህዝብ በባህሉ፣ በቋንቋው፣ በትውፊቱና በታሪኩ ሳያፍር ማንነቱን እንዲገልጽና ኦሮሞነቱን በየትኛውም መስክ እንዲያሳውቅ ከማንም በላይ የጣረው የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር (ኦነግ) ነው። 

# ኦነግ የኦሮሞ ብሄርተኝነት አባት ነው። Orommumaa እና Sabboonummaa የሚባሉትን ጽንሰ ሐሳቦች በመቅረጽ የኦሮሞ ብሄርተኝነትን ያበለፀገው ኦነግ ነው። ከሰላሳ ዓመታት በፊት ኢብሳ፣ ቶላ፣ መገርሳ በሚሉ ስሞች ልጆቹን መጥራቱን አቁሞ የነበረው ሙስሊሙም ሆነ ክርስቲያኑ ኦሮሞ ዛሬ ኮራ ብሎ "ሃዊ፣ ቀነኒ፣ ፊራኦል፣ ኦብሰን፣ ሳርቱ" የሚሉ ስሞችን ለልጆቹ እየሰጠ ያለው ኦነግ በቀየሰው መንገድ inspire ስለሆነ ነው።

# ኦነግ "የቁቤ አፋን ኦሮሞ" አባት ነው። አፋን ኦሮሞ በላቲን ፊደል እንዲጻፍ ምርምር አድርገው ውጤቱን ይፋ ያደረጉት ሼኽ ሙሐመድ ረሻድ እና ኃይሌ ፊዳ ናቸው። እነርሱ ያጠናቀሯቸውን ጥናቶች በማዳበር ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በስራ ላይ ያዋለው ግን የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር (ኦነግ) ነው። ኦነግ በሽግግሩ ዘመን ከሰራቸው ስራዎች መካከል ትልቁ አፋን ኦሮሞ የትምህርት ቋንቋ ሆኖ የኦሮሞ ልጆች በቋንቋቸው እንዲማሩ ማድረጉ ነው (በዚህ ረገድ የትምህርት ሚኒስትር የነበሩት አቶ ኢብሳ ጉተማ ከፍተኛ ሚና ተጫውተዋል)። 

# ኦነግ የዘመናዊው የአፋን ኦሮሞ ስነ ጽሑፍ አባትም ነው። በቁቤ አፋን ኦሮሞ የተጻፉ የግጥም እና የልብ ወለድ መጻሕፍትን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያሳተመው ኦነግ ነው። በቁቤ የሚዘጋጁ ጋዜጦችና መጽሔቶችንም ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያሳተመው ኦነግ ነው።

# አሁን የስራ ቋንቋ ሆኖ የሚያገለግለውን የተማከለ የአፋን ኦሮሞ ዘይቤንም የፈጠረው የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ነው። ለቢሮክራሲ ስራ የሚያስፈልጉና በሂደት ለመጥፋት ተቃርበው የነበሩ የኦሮምኛ ቃላትን ከልዩ ልዩ የኦሮሚያ ዞኖች አሰባስቦ በመዝገበ ቃላት በመሰነድ በመላው ዓለም በሚኖሩ ኦሮሞዎች ዘንድ እንዲታወቁ ያደረገው ኦነግ ነው። 

# ኦነግ የዘመናዊው የኦሮሞ የታሪክ ጽሑፍ አባትም ነው። ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ በመላው የኦሮሚያ ዞኖች ላይ ያተኮረ የታሪክ መጽሐፍ አሳትሞ ያቀረበው የኦሮሞ ነፃነት ግንባር ነው (ከዚያ በፊት ይወጡ የነበሩት የታሪክ መጻሕፍት በአንዱ የኦሮሚያ ዞን፣ ወይንም በአንድ የኦሮሞ ነገድ ላይ ብቻ ያተኮሩ ነበሩ)።

# ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ የገዳ ስርዓትን አተገባበር በተሟላ ሁኔታ የሚተርክ መጽሐፍ የጻፉት ፕሮፌሰር አስመሮም ለገሰ ናቸው። የገዳ ስርዓትን በዓለም ዙሪያ በስፋት ያስተዋወቁት ግን በውጭ ሀገራት የነበሩት የኦነግ የውጭ ግንኙነት ቢሮዎች ናቸው። 

# ኦነግ ሁሉን አቀፍ የኦሮሞ ጥናት አባትም ነው። በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ባህል፣ ታሪክ፣ ኢኮኖሚ፣ ቋንቋና የነፃነት ትግል ላይ ያተኮሩ ጥናታዊ ጽሑፎች የሚቀርቡበትን ዓለም አቀፍ ኮንፈረስ ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ያዘጋጀው የኦነግ የውጭ ግንኙነት ቢሮ ነው። በዛሬው ዘመን በዚህ ዘርፍ ተጠቃሽ ሆኖ የወጣው የኦሮሞ ጥናት ማህበር (Oromo Studies Association) የተመሠረተው ኦነግ ሲያዘጋጃቸው በነበሩት ኮንፈረንሶች ላይ ሲገናኙ በነበሩት ምሁራን አማካኝነት ነው።
ኦነግ በነፃነት ትግሉ ዘርፍ ያደረገው አስተዋጽኦ ሲገመገም ደግሞ ከላይ ከሰፈረው በእጅጉ ይበልጣል። ስለዚህ ወደ ዝርዝሩ መግባቱ ለጊዜው አያስፈልገንም። በአጭሩ ግን "ኦሮሞዎች በነገድ፣ በጎሳ፣ በክፍለ ሀገርና በሃይማኖት ሳይለያዩ በኦሮሙማ መንፈስ አንድ ላይ ሆነው በተደራጀ ሁኔታ ለነፃነታቸው እንዲታገሉ የቀሰቀሰ፣ ለትግሉ ያሰማራ እና ያታገለ፣ በዚህም ከኦሮሞ ህዝብ መጠነ ሰፊ ድጋፍ፣ ከበሬታ እና አመኔታ የተሰጠው ዋነኛው ድርጅት ነው" በማለት ማስቀመጥ ይቻላል። የኦሮሞ ህዝብ የትግል መንፈስ ሳይቀዘቅዝ አሁን ካለበት ደረጃ ላይ የደረሰው ኦነግ ባቀጣጠለው ጎዳና ላይ በመራመድ ነው።
ይህ ሲባል ግን ግንባሩ ችግር አልነበረበትም ማለት አይደለም። የግንባሩን እንቅስቃሴዎች ሰንገው የያዙ በርካታ ችግሮች ተፈጥረውበታል። ይሁን እንጂ ከቅርብ ጊዜ ወዲህ "ኦነግ በኦሮሞ ህዝብ ትግል ውስጥ አንድም አስተዋጽኦ የለውም" የሚሉት ወጀላቴዎች የሚነዙት ፕሮፓጋንዳ እያስገረመኝ ነው። 

ከነዚህ ወጀላቴዎች ጋር ቃላት መመላለስ አያስፈልግም። ለጊዜው አንድ ነገር ብቻ ልወርውርባቸው። ኦነግ የሚባል ድርጅት ባይኖር ኖሮ ኦህዴድ የሚባል ድርጅት ባልተፈጠረ ነበር። ኦነግ ባይኖር ኖሮ ሌሎች የኦሮሞ ድርጅቶችም ባልተፈጠሩ ነበር። ኦነግ ባይኖር ኖሮ በዛሬው እለት በልጽግና ብብት ላይ ተሰባስበው የተጣረሰ ጽሑፍ የሚጽፉት ቀለብተኞች ቱሪናፋቸውን አይነፉብንም ነበር። 
ወደዚህ ደግሞ "ኦነግ 40 ዓመት ታግሎ ለኦሮሞ ህዝብ ምንም አልሰራም" የሚሉ አሉ። በእርግጥም ኦነግ በመሳሪያ ተዋግቶ የአራት ኪሎ ቤተ መንግስትን መቆጣጠር አልቻለም። ይህም የራሱ ምክንያት ስላለው ወደ ዝርዝሩ አልገባም። የዕድሜው ጉዳይ ለሚያስጨንቃቸው ሰዎች ግን "የፍልስጥኤም፣ የኩርድ፣ የቺቺኒያ እና የሌሎች ነፃ አውጪ ንቅናቄዎች ብዙ ዓመት ተዋግተው መቼ አሸነፉ?" እንላቸዋለን።
ከዚህ በተረፈ ኦነግ ብዙ ነገር ሰርቷል።
ወያኔ በነዛው የበደኖ ፕሮፓጋንዳ ላይ ግግም ብለው የኦነግን አራጅነት ሊያስረዱን ለሚፈልጉት ደግሞ "ዓላማችሁ ኦነግን መምታት ሳይሆን ኦሮሞን መጥላት ነው" ብለን እቅጩን እንነግራቸዋለን (የበደኖውን ፊልም ቀርጾ በቲቪ ያሳየው ወያኔ ነው። ኦነግ ሲያርድ ቀራጩ አጠገቡ ነበረ ማለት ነው? ይገርማል እኮ ጃል)።

Monday, June 6, 2022

Effective Meeting

12 Proven Tips for Effective Meeting Management

MEETINGS, in essence, are meant to boost productivity and efficiency. When everyone is on the same page and aware of what should be done, even the most challenging tasks can be completed.

In reality, we find ourselves stuck at unproductive meetings, week after week. The average executive spends 18 hours a week at meetings. Almost half of all attendees say that meetings are the number one time-waster at work.

Not only can meetings be a waste of time, but if not planned efficiently, they’re actually a waste of money, too. A study of time budgeting found that a single weekly meeting of mid-level managers cost an organization $15M a year!

Interested in how much you’re spending on meetings, and how much you could be saving? Try this meeting cost calculator by Harvard Business Review.

At Scoro, we’re all about time management, and we put a lot of effort into having effective meetings. Insanely productive meetings mean that there’s less of them – last year we spent only 6,380 combined hours at meetings!

Love them or hate them, you can’t completely eliminate meetings. So it’s important to make them as useful and constructive as possible. In the spirit of efficiency, saved time and money – here are 12 proven meeting management tips for higher productivity!

1. Have a Clear Objective
Is the meeting needed to generate new ideas, to gather information, or to make decisions? Or perhaps it is a combination of the above?

If you’re unsure what you’re trying to accomplish, you can be sure it won’t happen. The number one factor for a successful meeting is having a clear goal and a concrete agenda.

Entrepreneur and influencer Neil Patel says he refuses to have a meeting simply for the sake of having a meeting. “No purpose, no meeting.”

He starts every meeting by stating the ultimate goal for that meeting. “Meetings aren’t social gatherings. Instead, they are goal-oriented business events. I’m not against hanging out with people, but there are better times to do this than during a business meeting,” he says.

Jessica Pryce-Jones, the author of the book “Running Great Meetings & Workshops For Dummies,” was recently in a meeting with a company’s senior leadership team that lasted four hours.

“And I wasn’t sure at any point whether they were informing each other, whether they were discussing, or whether they were deciding. I wasn’t convinced that the meeting was any more strategically advanced as a result of the senior team having met than if they hadn’t met.”

Start with the goal, and you’ll finish with success.

2. Meet Outside the Office

When tired faces, low energy, and lack of ideas start to appear at meetings, it’s a sign that it’s time to take the meeting outside. An off-site session is perfect for avoiding meeting fatigue.

Take your staff to the nearby café, to the park or even a bar. Sometimes a change of scenery is all that’s needed for bringing energy and good ideas back to the table.

After the meeting, follow up on your team if they enjoyed the change of pace and found it constructive. If not, try something else – it’s never a complete waste of time!

3. Be Prepared

The key to successful meeting management is in the preparation. Before the meeting starts, provide all participants with an agenda.

The agenda should include:

a list of topics to be covered
a brief description of the meeting’s objectives
a list of people attending the meeting
who will address each topic
the time and location of the meeting
any background information participants need to know about the subject
What’s the most important thing you should do with your agenda? Follow it closely!

A Tesla employee was quoted on Quora, saying “When we met with Elon, we were prepared. Because if you weren’t, he’d let you know it. If he asked a reasonable follow-up question and you weren’t prepared with an answer, well, good luck.”

4. Invite Less People
Ask yourself ruthlessly: Do all these people really need to attend the meeting? Most of the time, a brief summary by email will work just as well.

If you can reduce a half-hour meeting’s attendee list by just two people whose presence isn’t essential, that’s an hour of productive time returned to the company.

The purpose of meetings is to make decisions, not to simply share information. It’s easy to view the meeting as a waste of time when attendees don’t feel the discussed topic is relevant to them.

Read on: Still managing your meeting history on a spreadsheet? Read why you need an Excel Alternative.

Need inspiration? Amazon’s Jeff Bezos follows the Two Pizza Rule: No meeting should have more people than can be fed with a pair of pepperoni pies. This not only allows for quicker decisions, but it also lets teams test their ideas without the interference of groupthink – the Amazon exec’s biggest pet peeve.

5. Don’t Be Late

Late arrivals can eat up 5 to 10 minutes of the meeting, or in most cases – make the meeting 10 minutes longer. Waiting up for people who are habitually late is unfair to those who show up on time.

The solution? Don’t wait for them. Starting the meeting the minute it’s scheduled to begin sends a clear message to the latecomers, and develops a reputation for promptness.

It doesn’t hurt to get creative either. Employees of TINYpulse, an employee engagement software company, rarely forget a meeting because the company starts them at an odd time. The company’s daily staff meeting, for example, starts at 8:48 am.

“It’s strange, but at 8:48, everyone in our office seems to rise simultaneously and move toward our meeting area. There’s definitely a Pavlovian aspect to the odd meeting time,” says communications manager Neal McNamara.

6. Stand up

Stand-up meetings (or simply “stand-ups”) have become popular team rituals. Employees become more engaged, more collaborative and less territorial when they participate in a project that involves standing.

Nothing conveys urgency like being on your feet during a meeting.

Professor Bob Sutton, the co-author of the management book Hard Facts, observed this as he was writing the book. He and his co-author Jeff Pfeffer would often meet at Pfeffer’s home, in a room with only one chair. With no place to sit, they covered everything fast and effectively.

That led the team to look into a study that compared the decisions made by teams who had stand-up meetings vs groups holding seated meetings. In the stand-up meetings, groups took 34% less time making decisions, with no real difference in the quality of the decision.

For logistical reasons, stand-up meetings aren’t always practical, but they’re worth considering.

7. Leave Room for Creativity

The experience and knowledge of your employees is a valuable resource. A source too important to be left untapped.

Short and constructive meetings are ideal, but not when they are stripped down from idea generation and discussion. A successful meeting should result in creativity and energy. This happens when people are actively participating, not just passively attending.

Brainstorming sessions are common, but too often ineffective practice. It’s not the actual idea generation that matters, but following through with the ideas.

Every Thursday, food manufacturer Plum Organics gets out coloring books and holds a creative-thinking meeting where staff members color, talk, and decompress. Their innovation director Jen Brush says the hour has been extremely important to the company’s new product development.

“It’s proven that coloring during a meeting helps promote active listening, and is more beneficial than multitasking on something like email,” she says.

By taking a more creative approach, these sessions can be productive and inspiring at the same time.

Read on: How to Root Out Bias from Your Decision-Making Process

8. Don’t Lose Focus
For some reason, at every meeting, there seems to be that one person who tends to go off telling stories not connected to the discussed topic in any way. And while storytelling is not generally bad (quite the opposite, to be exact!), an off-topic talk at a meeting can really drag the session.

The hardest task to accomplish leading a group of people is to get them to focus. Whether it’s the organizer or any of the participants, someone should always take the responsibility of guiding the meeting back to the assigned topics and bringing back the focus.

Scope creep refers to constant uncontrollable changes in a meeting’s scope. This can occur when the outcome of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled – and is considered harmful for the success of a project.

Read on: Business Management Trends You Should Quit in 2017

Brivo, a security software provider, keeps meetings on point with its “No Rehash” rule. Employees signal to others that a topic has already been addressed by raising the “No Rehash” Ping-Pong paddle.

“I started noticing that we kept making many of the same decisions over and over again,” says president and CEO Steve Van Till. “It’s a visual reminder, but more importantly, it empowers everyone in the company to call out counterproductive rehashing whenever and wherever they see it. The big-time savings is that no one has to justify invoking the rule itself, and the meeting can proceed with earlier decisions intact.”

When a meeting has a clear focus, it’s much easier to set concrete action steps and follow up. If you got to the end of the meeting without having actionable next steps, the meeting should be considered wasted time.

9. Stop Multitasking
Multitasking is a testament to our modern, connected life. But it is taking its toll. A study shows it makes us less effective, increases stress, and costs the global economy an estimated $450 billion every year.

More frighteningly, Harvard Business Review reports that multitasking leads to a 40% drop in productivity and a loss of 10 IQ points… equivalent to pulling an all-nighter.

Nowhere is the problem more apparent than in the meeting rooms where email, texts, and web browsing can have a significant impact on an organization’s bottom line.

How to prevent participants from multitasking at meetings?

Assign roles for the meeting. Who will facilitate? Who will take minutes? Who will take notes? When each person is assigned a job, meetings are more focused and productive.
Provide a timed agenda. Everyone’s time is valuable, so each person needs to focus on the assigned topics and problems. The timed agenda can also discourage sidebar conversations, or working on problems that the group isn’t prepared to address.
Have a phone/computer parking lot. And encourage people to use it. It is estimated that employees who use smartphones and computers are distracted on average after every 10 minutes. Unless the computer is absolutely necessary for the meeting, turn it off.
During meetings at Keller-Williams Realty, anyone whose phone rings must make a donation to KW Cares, the company’s charitable foundation. Spokesman Darryl Frost says the policy cuts down on interruptions during meetings. “When it happens, it supports our corporate nonprofit,” he says. “It’s a win-win.”

10. Keep Your Meetings Short
It’s very likely that 30 minutes into the meeting, your team’s attention is not a sharp as at the beginning. It’s not that they are bored or easily distracted – it’s the simple fact that there is a lot of information to process. The longer the meeting, the more effort it will take to keep up the energy and discussion.

Having short meetings is an essential component to improving your team’s efficiency. An agenda tends to expand to whatever time limit is set for a particular meeting, so feel free to give your meetings a “hard stop” whenever it feels right.

52 minutes is generally the longest time workers can remain truly engaged. Do not schedule any meeting to last longer than an hour. People appreciate it when you understand that their time is valuable.

At O3 World, a digital agency, the conference room is hooked up to a technology the company created called Roombot. The app reads everyone’s Google Calendar and warns meeting participants when it’s time to wrap up. Roombot also controls the lighting in the room, dimming the bulbs in the final minutes of the meeting.

“Roombot creates more urgency and structure to the team’s calendars,” says O3 World’s CEO Keith Scandone. “Instead of having a line of people waiting outside the conference room, this is a fun way to remind people to wrap up their meeting and get ready for the next group of people to occupy the space.”

11. Don’t Forget the Q&A
All managers claim to have an open-door policy. As good as it may make the manager look, practice shows that the vast majority of attendees aren’t taking advantage of it. It’s up to the manager to actually engage employees. And meetings are an excellent place for practicing the skill.

The Q&A session is often pushed to the end of a meeting, leaving just a couple of minutes for it. However, this segment is just as important as the rest of the meeting. When a concrete action plan is set up at the meeting, but follow-up questions are left unanswered, the result can spell disaster. It is ineffective the least.

To ensure more meaningful engagement, consider extending Q&A session to match the length of the meeting. You might even consider switching up the overall format, with a short meeting intro followed by a longer Q&A. Depending on the meeting type, this could create a virtuous cycle, and help with building an enthusiastic team.

Another tip is collecting the questions about the topic in advance. This can help on several levels: The manager can plan their talk more effectively, and the team will have the time to consider ideas instead of scrambling to come up with questions at the end of a meeting.

12. Follow Up
The art of follow up is a vital professional habit, and it also matters in the context of meetings.

It’s quite common for people to come away from the same meeting with very different interpretations of what went on. Document the responsibilities given, tasks delegated, and any assigned deadlines, and send out the meeting notes on the day of the meeting. That way, everyone will be on the same page.

For very important matters, make a note on a shared team calendar or task management software, to continue following up until you reach a resolution.

Follow-ups should never be interpreted as micromanagement. It is a natural and necessary part of project leadership. If you want anything to happen, you must follow up, follow up, and follow up.

The key to successful meetings lies in communication. Especially if you’re experimenting with new formats. Ask your employees for feedback, be open to suggestions, and base your conclusions on what they think, not how you personally feel. If your team feels engaged and effective, you’re surely on the right track.

Three questions to ask yourself, before scheduling your next meeting:
Is the meeting necessary?
Who really needs to be there?
What will be the agenda?
“You will never see eye-to-eye if you never meet face-to-face.” 
-Warren Buffett