Peace negotiations (per 30 November)

  • Libération states that the federal government is slow to fulfil its obligations per the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement. Disarmament of the TDF is also slow and fighting continues in Tigray against the Eritrean Defense Forces.
  • Libération condemns the Forum for Internet Governance taking place in Addis Ababa whilst the Ethiopian government is failing to restore internet services in Tigray.
  • Sources state that connectivity to Shire was briefly switched on as part of a demonstration at the Internet Governance Forum currently taking place in Addis Ababa, but was switched off afterwards.
  • Tekehaymanot G. Weldemichel, postdoctoral research fellow at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, criticises the UN for tacitly co-signing the media blackout of Tigray by the Ethiopian government by hosting the United Nations’ Internet Governance Forum in Addis Ababa.
  • He sees the failure to address and condemn the continued absence of access to internet for Tigrayans as “complicity in the Tigray Genocide”.
  • On 28 November the Biden administration called for the government of Ethiopia to restore telecommunications to Tigray.

Situation in Tigray(per 30 November)

  • Tghat Media, a Tigray based media, states that in the last two weeks over 600 people were killed by Eritrean troops in Mai Abai.
  • The report states that 1.300 were killed in the central area of Adiabo and at least a further 1.000 civilians were killed in Asgede Tsimbla. 2.500 houses were burned in Adi Dairo and surrounding areas.
  • Gebreyohannes Woldegebriel, CEO of Ethiopian Airlines Mekelle Branch, said that Mekelle Alula Abanega airport is ready for service, reports Tigrai Television.
  • According to the branch CEO, Mekelle airport only needs resumption of communications with the headquarter in Addis Ababa to resume service.
  • The interim regional CEO of Ethio-Telecom, Tesfahun Guesh, told Tigray regional media that they are waiting for directions from Addis Ababa to resume telecommunication services in the Tigray region.
  • Ethiopian Electric Power announced that it completed major maintenance of power transmitting lines in Humera, Shire, Axum and Adwa and will restore power soon, says Ethiopian Herald.
  • An Ethiopian Electric Power manager said that electricity supply will resume next week in Shire and within the next three weeks in Aksum and Adwa.

Situation in Ethiopia (per 30 November)

  • The WHO has donated hardware and supplies and is deploying personnel to assist in the reconstruction of the medical sector in conflict-affected  areas in Ethiopia.
  • Odaa Tarbii, spokesperson for the Oromo Liberation Army, stated that “The regime’s new lie to justify perpetual war is to claim the OLA is fractured & leaderless”.
  • The Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission stated that armed groups can only join the national dialogue scheduled to take place in 5 to 6 months once they put their arms down.
  • This statement appears to target the OLA after the Oromia regional state ruled out the possibility of negotiations, says Addis Standard.
  • In a press release from 29 November the High Command of the OLA Front stated that the continued use of force by the Ethiopian federal government as an attempt to contain and defeat the OLA stems from the fact that “(Abiy) perceives any negotiated concession in Oromia as the loss of everything, or, at the very least, as a beginning to his end”.
  • The OLA states that Abiy holds this conviction due to “Oromia’s unmatched role in determining the regime’s ability to hold on to 4-kilo. Oromia being the major source of political and economic power of the Ethiopian state”. 4-kilo refers to the seat of the federal government.

Regional Situation (per 30 November)

  • While famine has yet to be declared in Somalia, Paul Healy, Somalia country director for Trócaire, states: “if you’re arguing about whether it’s famine or not, you’re already too late and people are dying”.
  • The UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates that 80.000 Somalis have fled to Kenyan camps due to the drought. The Kenyan government has now instituted a ban on the registration of refugees from Somalia. Aid agencies warn the influx is straining their capacity to help, says Voice of America.
  • Agenzia Fides warns that the Sudanese food crisis is aggravated by tribal violence, as conflicts lead to population displacement and destruction of property. This has been particularly prevalent in Wad El Mahi in the region of the Blue Nile and at Lagawa in West Kordofan, says Agenzia Fides.

International Situation (per 30 November)

  • 114 refugees arrived in Italy from Libya as part of an agreement between Ministries of Interior and Foreign Affairs, UNHCR, the Community of Sant’Egidio, the Federation of Evangelical Churches and the Waldensian Council. A total of 1.000 are expected to benefit from this agreement, says The Libya Update.

Links of interest

Guerre au Tigré : dans l’ombre des espoirs de paix, de nouvelles exactions signalées

Tigray Airline Service

Regional CEO speaks to Tigrai Television about restoration communication in Tigray

EEP to finalize power restoration in Adwa, Aksum, Shire soon

Twitter: Tghat ትግሃት Eritrean Troops Keep committing atrocities against civilians

World Health Organization (WHO) Ethiopia scales up interventions to respond to gender-based violence

The Internet Governance Forum: a spectacle of the United Nations’ complicity in the Tigray Genocide

Twitter: Odaa Tarbii The regime’s new lie to justify perpetual war is to claim the OLA is fractured

Commission rules out participation of armed groups in planned inclusive national dialogue

Twitter: Odaa Tarbii OLF-OLA High Command Statement

Somalia on the brink of another brutal famine, with children bearing the brunt

Thousands Flee Drought and Hunger in Somalia for Kenya

AFRICA/SUDAN – Tribal conflicts aggravate the state of emergency

114 refugees to leave Libya for Italy tomorrow

Ambassador at Large Fick’s Travel to Ethiopia

Disclaimer: All information in this Situation Report is presented as a fluid update report, as to the best knowledge and understanding of the authors at the moment of publication. EEPA does not claim that the information is correct but verifies to the best of ability within the circumstances. Publication is weighed on the basis of interest to understand potential impacts of events (or perceptions of these) on the situation. Check all information against updates and other media. EEPA does not take responsibility for the use of the information or impact thereof. All information reported originates from third parties and the content of all reported and linked information remains the sole responsibility of these third parties. Report to any additional information and corrections.


Via The Global Society of Tigrai Scholars and Professionals (GSTS) 

GSTS Calls for the Urgent Delivery of Humanitarian Aid and Resumption of All Basic Services in Tigray...