Friday, February 19, 2021

What is the root cause of Ethiopian political problems?????

What is the root cause of Ethiopian political problems 

The Ethiopian political  landscape need great thinkers, who understand the political history of the country and able to identify the root of the problem and find the best fitting revolutionary solution that solve the problem for ever. According to my understanding all the problem emanate from the antagonism.In the past the society as a whole was more and more splitting up in to two great hostile Camps , in to two great classes, directly facing each other:The son and doughters of the old reactionary regime. In other side there are sone of the dominated serfs.The ruins of feudal society and their Amhara ideology has not done away
with class antagonism.
It has established a new class, new condition in need of oppression by the name so-called Ethiopia as a cover to their evils.The epoch needs a new form of struggle against the elite of the old reactionary regime and son and daughter of feudal class in a revolutionary way to destroy their legacy in whatever forms.It need to dismantle the root of their ideology, the Amhara language domination. Orotodox Christianity the fortress of their ideology as well as all their propaganda machine.In addition to outlawing any kind favoring or celebrating the neftengya and feudal lords plus Minilik. The current struggle for self-determination in all nations, nationalities, and people must continue and keep the momentum until the ruins and domination of the old regime cease to exist.


  1. The critical view that others don't like to hear but it's a real problem that exists in spoiling Ethiopian politics for half a century.

  2. The critical view that others don't like to hear but it's a real problem that exists in spoiling Ethiopian politics for half a century.
